We add the spices that make your project complete

Our services

Special Effects

Whenever it comes to special effects, people think of explosions and blood or people jumping from buildings. But you will be surprised how many special effects there are in the most routine productions, that give them a realistic look & feel to the story they want to tell. If you are interested in making a step forward in your production and adding the special touch that will make a difference, contact us.


It is a known phrase that “clothes make the man”, but this is even more true when it comes to productions. You invested in planning, in the idea but you compromised on the right clothes? This can be the gap between successful and mediocre production. So whether you need uniforms, costumes or even special sewing, we are here to make sure your production looks professional and accurate.


Those who deal with productions on a regular basis, are familiar with a situation where everything is planned, there is an accurate equipment list but no matter what you do, you are still missing a particular item that will complete the set and upgrade your production. Whether you are interested in conveying a certain atmosphere or building a set that will recreate periods from the past, we have all the tools to provide you with the necessary equipment.

Make Up

In our makeup department, we work with the best makeup artists in their field, who are experienced in productions in Israel and around the world. Our skilled staff knows how to choose the perfect makeup and adjust the materials as needed, whether it is TV and film productions, or live and theater events. Even in the world of makeup, we do not stop looking for innovations that will add some color to your productions.
